The Mysterious Cargo: A Journey into FRAMED 2
Years ago, a mysterious ship embarked on a journey, smuggling precious cargo into an exotic land. This intriguing premise sets the stage for FRAMED 2, a standalone entry in the acclaimed FRAMED series.
Years ago, a mysterious ship embarked on a journey, smuggling precious cargo into an exotic land. This intriguing premise sets the stage for FRAMED 2, a standalone entry in the acclaimed FRAMED series.
The Mysterious Cargo: A Journey into FRAMED 2
FRAMED 2 is a captivating noir puzzle game where players are tasked with re-arranging panels of an animated comic book to alter the outcome of the story. This innovative gameplay mechanic allows for a unique experience with each playthrough.
Set before the events of the original game, FRAMED 2 serves as a follow-up to Hideo Kojima's 2014 Game of the Year, FRAMED. Players will delve deeper into the narrative and uncover the secrets that lie within.
Designed with mobile gaming in mind, FRAMED 2 is fully optimized for both phones and tablets, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience on the go!
LoveShack Entertainment is an independent game developer based in Australia, dedicated to creating unique gaming experiences. To stay updated on the latest news and new game releases, visit and follow us on social media @LoveShackers.
Minor improvements and bug fixes