Bank Mellat 1.3.2 Apk for Android

bank mellat android cover

The description of Bank Mellat

All of us use a specific bank to meet our needs, and among them, Bank Mellat stands out as one of the most popular private banks in Iran. The high number of customers in recent years has prompted this bank to focus significantly on electronic banking systems, particularly through its dedicated mobile banking application, to reduce unnecessary visits and facilitate service delivery.

Bank Mellat – Mobile Banking App is the title of the mobile banking application developed and released by the bank for Android devices. This software, with its unique features and capabilities, helps users save a considerable amount of time, allowing access to various services simply by having a smart device in hand. If we take a closer look at the top features of this intelligent mobile bank, the NFC payment system can be considered one of its strengths. There is no need to carry a physical bank card; you can complete all your payments by simply bringing your smartphone close to the merchant's device.

You can stay informed about your card balance or deposits at any time and fulfill many of your needs at any hour of the day.

Key Features of the Bank Mellat Android App:

  • Utilization of the latest software technologies, including NFC payment technology

  • A user-friendly interface with reports presented in beautiful graphical charts

  • Execution of various transactions using card numbers or account numbers

  • Advanced login system via fingerprint recognition

  • Display of currency rates and their changes in attractive charts

  • Ability to show the nearest branches with various information

  • Display of frequently used accounts

  • Option to add service descriptions without typing, using the customer's voice

The Bank Mellat application, equipped with special technologies, has managed to incorporate an array of outstanding features that customers of this bank can now download the latest version from the fast servers of Payapk. The current version of the Bank Mellat mobile banking application has been directly downloaded from the bank's official site and made available for your download request.

Changes in Version v2.2.8:

New Features Added:

  • New features added + bug fixes.

What's news

  • اضافه شدن درخواست ارسال صدور کارت اولیه و المثنی با نوع تحویل به آدرس مشتری
  • دریافت و فعال‌سازی کارت(تحویل کارت به مشتری و تعریف رمز اولیه کارت)
  • اصلاح تعیین سقف کارت
  • گزارش پیگیری درخواست کارت
  • فعال‌سازی سامانه همراه بانک با استفاده از اطلاعات کارت بانک ملت یا برنامه کاربردی امضای ملت
  • اضافه شدن مشخصه حساب تجاری در خدمت ثبت درخواست صدور دسته چک برای حساب‌های تجاری
  • اضافه شدن مشخصه حساب تجاری در صفحه اصلی سامانه همراه بانک در جزئیات اطلاعات حساب
  • اضافه شدن استعلام مسدودی و رفع مسدودی ذیل منوی استعلام در منوی کشویی سامانه همراه‌بانک
  • امکان کپی نمودن شماره حساب، شماره شبا و شماره کارت از صفحه اصلی سامانه همراه بانک
  • Download Bank Mellat


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