Explore the Human Anatomy Atlas 2023+

Before making your purchase, consider the updated Human Anatomy Atlas 2023+! This version offers visual flashcards and cross-platform access on mobile and web.

Core Features of Human Anatomy Atlas 2023

The Human Anatomy Atlas 2023 provides essential anatomy reference content directly on your Android phone and tablet. Interested in expanding your knowledge? Explore our in-app purchases for additional anatomy and physiology resources!

Key Content Highlights

  • Full 3D male and female models for studying gross anatomy, complemented by cadaver and diagnostic images.

  • 3D views of essential organs, including:

    • Lungs, bronchi, and alveoli

    • Kidneys, renal pyramids, and nephrons

  • Interactive muscle and bone models that allow you to:

    • Learn muscle actions

    • Identify bone landmarks, attachments, innervations, and blood supply

  • Visualize how fascia separates the muscles of the upper and lower limbs into compartments.

Additional In-App Purchases

Enhance your learning experience with our extensive video library, featuring over 100 patient education animations that cover key physiological processes and common pathologies, including:

  • Cellular respiration

  • Heart conduction

  • Peristalsis

  • Filtration

  • Coronary artery disease

  • Kidney stones

  • Sciatica

Another exciting in-app purchase is the 3D Dental Anatomy, which includes detailed views of:

  • Cusps, fossae, and surfaces

  • Cross-sectional views of incisors, canines, premolars, and molars

  • An interactive, animated model of upper and lower dental arches

Study and Presentation Tools

Take advantage of a comprehensive suite of study and presentation tools:

  • Dissect models on-screen, in augmented reality (AR), and through cross-sections.

  • Download free lab activities that guide you through key anatomical structures.

  • Engage in 3D dissection quizzes to assess your progress.

  • Create interactive 3D presentations that link models to explain and review topics. Label structures with tags, notes, and 3D drawings.

Share your findings and resources with patients, classmates, students, and colleagues!