Football Drama: A Unique Narrative Experience

Football Drama is an engaging narrative and managerial game that immerses you in the world of football.

Step into the Shoes of Rocco Galliano

You take on the role of Rocco Galliano, the newly appointed manager of Calchester Assembled Football Club. After a sudden end to your coaching career seven years ago, the media's frenzy surrounding you has long since faded. However, the dismal performance of Calchester FC has led Boris Aluminovitch, the club's billionaire president, to dismiss the previous manager and offer you a fresh start.

Will You Change the Team's Fate?

As you shout from the sidelines, you must ask yourself:

  • Will your passionate leadership alter the team's destiny?

  • Can you find wisdom and karmic guidance through the Book of Changes?

  • Will your questionable past resurface and lead to your downfall?

Challenges Await

The odds of surviving a full season are against you. You may encounter:

  • Corruption

  • Crime

  • Drugs

  • Romance

Each path could lead to either triumph or disaster. In this game, it’s possible to lose the championship while still winning the game!

Key Features

  • Interactive Narrative: Make meaningful choices that impact the game's outcome.

  • Karma or Chaos: Navigate life and game choices that shape your journey.

  • Turn-Based Match Play: Experience live-action animations during matches.

  • Procedural Championship: Survive 18 dramatic weeks where you could be fired at any moment.

  • Deck-Building Mechanics: Your choices in life and gameplay influence your deck.

  • Ridiculous Cards: Explore the wildest aspects of modern football.

  • Illustrated Match Log: Keep track of each match you play.

  • Entertaining Commentary: Enjoy a quirky main commentator and his colorful sidekick.

  • Replayability: Each championship is unique with multiple endings.

  • Stunning Artwork: Admire beautifully illustrated cards and characters.

  • Share Your Achievements: Show off your victories to friends and rivals alike.

Join the Football Drama Today!

Are you ready to take on the challenge and lead Calchester FC to glory? Join the Football Drama and experience the thrill of football like never before!