In a world where life as we know it has been obliterated, hordes of undead and demons now reign supreme. Humanity has been forced to seek refuge in underground shelters for survival. In a bid to reclaim what was once theirs, humans have united to form specialized teams tasked with eliminating this terrifying threat. This initiative is known as Project Rest in Pieces, or simply R.I.P.

Merely defeating the undying was not enough; thus, humanity harnessed the power of advanced AI technology to orchestrate their specialized forces, now referred to as “Agents”, from a centralized headquarters.

The AI, aptly named after the project “R.I.P.”, has successfully captured the lingering souls of the undead. This enables enhancements to the Agents' gear, weaponry, strength, and abilities.

Now, the fate of humanity rests in your hands. Are you ready to save what remains?

⚔️ Main Features ⚔️

  • Realistic FPS movement and weapon mechanics

  • Blood & gore dismemberments

  • Multiplatform global scoreboards to compete with other players

  • 20 weapons to choose from, with options to upgrade stats and skins

  • Melee combat ranging from knives to katanas

  • 6 specialized perks for combat

  • 8 agents to choose from with a leveling system

  • 34 avatars for prestige

  • 70 achievements with rewards

  • Pickup items to enhance efficiency

  • 3 mission type levels + 3 arenas for unlimited horde play

  • 5 difficulty levels

  • AAA quality graphics

  • Outstanding sound effects and music

✞ Make Humanity’s Last Stand. ✞

⚠️ Device Compatibility ⚠️

  • Android 8.0 or later

  • 3+ GB of RAM

  • GPU: Adreno 650/640/630/620/618/616/615/612/610/540/530/512/510/509

  • GPU: Mali G77/G76/G52/G51/G72/G71/T880

📌 New high-end GPUs released from 2020 onwards are also supported.


  • Game Lags/FPS Drops: On certain devices, rendering 3D can be a bottleneck. Project R.I.P. relies heavily on GPU performance rather than CPU count or RAM. It is recommended to run the game on the latest high-end Android devices.

  • Game Freezes / Crashes: Currently, over 1000 Android devices are supported, and most issues are monitored and will be addressed.

📌 Expect significant performance improvements in upcoming updates. Be patient and stay tuned!


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