Discover the Enchanting World of Whipseeyland

After stumbling upon a magical book, a young boy named Alex is transported to the vibrant realm of Whipseeyland. In this colorful universe, he transforms into Whipseey, a pink, whip-wielding hero. Accompanied by the brave Princess Alyssa, Whipseey embarks on an epic quest to recover magical orbs that hold the key to returning him home.

Game Features

  • Classic Platformer: Whipseey and the Lost Atlas pays homage to the beloved 2D platformers of the past. Experience challenging gameplay that evokes nostalgia, set against picturesque levels and a relaxing soundtrack.

  • Memorable Boss Fights: Prepare yourself for thrilling encounters with unique bosses that test your skills and strategy.

  • Stunning Pixel Art: Immerse yourself in the beautifully crafted pixel art, featuring characters and backgrounds designed by the talented Roy Nathan De Groot.

Join Whipseey on His Adventure

As you guide Whipseey through the enchanting landscapes of Whipseeyland, you'll uncover secrets and challenges that await at every turn. Are you ready to help him reclaim the magical orbs and find his way back home?