Make Screenshots Longer Than Your Screen by Simply Scrolling Through an App!

Have you ever wanted to share a conversation with your friends, only to find it too long to fit into one screenshot? Or perhaps you've tried to save a specific article on a website, only to get frustrated by overlapping text? Maybe you found the perfect recipe for Christmas dinner, but made a mistake while capturing it, ruining your dessert? These scenarios can be incredibly frustrating!

Creating multiple screenshots to ensure you haven't missed anything, then carefully arranging them, only to have them mixed up when saving or sending, is a hassle. But worry no more! Introducing Stitch & Share!

Your Ultimate Screenshot Solution

With this innovative app, you can easily combine multiple screenshots into one long image, making sharing a breeze. Whether it’s a memorable conversation or an important article, you can save it for later or share it instantly with your friends.


  • One Big Screenshot: Create a single, seamless screenshot by simply scrolling through the app.

  • Less Clutter: Avoid overwhelming your friends with multiple images; send just one link or image instead.

  • Quick & Easy: Enjoy a user-friendly experience that saves you time!

What Users Are Saying

Don’t just take our word for it! Here are some reviews from satisfied users:

"This is an app I've been waiting for a long time, and it's certainly the best of the ones that are out there." - All About Android

"Incredibly easy." -

"Stitch & Share combines your screenshots flawlessly." -

"Works extremely well, and has more options and is easier to use than similar apps." -

Featured Recognition

Stitch & Share was also listed as one of the Coolest Apps of the Week at

Now you can share your most memorable conversations or save them for private use with ease. Try Stitch & Share today and revolutionize the way you capture and share your digital moments!