Summary of Don’t Starve cheat codes and the most detailed way to enter
Don’t Starve is an engaging survival game featuring 2D graphics that offer both fun and challenge. To navigate through its obstacles, cheat commands ranging from basic to advanced are essential. Let’s explore the most detailed Don’t Starve cheat codes right now!
Game Don’t Starve
I. Game Information
- Genre: Survival
- Publisher: Klei Entertainment
- Release year: 2013
Don’t Starve – A game with simple yet captivating gameplay, Don’t Starve has attracted a wide player base since its launch. The story revolves around the main character Wilson, who is exiled to a land filled with monsters, and must find a way to survive and escape.
II. How to Enter Don’t Starve Cheat Codes
- To enter a code, press the “~” key and type the Don’t Starve cheat codes below, then press “Enter” to apply. Note that all characters must be fully entered and capitalized correctly.
- Press “Alt + L” to turn off the hidden text parts of the game.
How to enter the cheat code Don’t Starve
III. Detailed Cheat Codes
1. Basic Don’t Starve Cheat Codes
- c_spawn(“prefix”, number of prefixes): Generate a prefix; this code is used to spawn a specified amount of “prefix” under the mouse pointer.
- c_give(“prefix”, quantity): Give an item; this code allows the player to spawn a selected amount of prefix in your backpack.
- c_sethealth(x): Heal; replace x with the percentage of health you want to recover (e.g., 0.7 = 70%).
- c_setsantiy(x): Sanity; replace x with the percentage of sanity you want to recover (e.g., 0.7 = 70%).
- c_sethunger(x): Hunger; replace x with the percentage of hunger you want to recover (e.g., 0.7 = 70%).
- c_godmode(): Enter god mode where you will no longer lose health, sanity, or hunger.
- c_supergodmode(): Similar to god mode, but fully recovers health, sanity, or hunger.
- c_speedmult(x): Set movement speed; replace x with numbers from 1-20 to change your movement speed.
Basic Don’t Starve Cheat Code
2. Don’t Starve Cheat Codes for Characters
- ThePlayer:EnableMovementPrediction(enable/false): Anticipate action; useful in combat.
- GetPlayer().components.builder:GiveAllRecipes(): Creative mode; allows you to create anything in the game.
- Change your character’s maximum health.
- ThePlayer.components.sanity:SetMax(x): Change your character’s max sanity.
- ThePlayer.components.hunger:SetMax(x): Change your character’s maximum hunger.
- ThePlayer.components.hunger:Pause(true): Your character will never starve using this command.
- ThePlayer.components.beaverness:SetPercent(1): Turns Woodie into a Ghost Beaver.
Don’t Starve Cheat Codes for Characters
3. Don’t Starve Cheat Codes for Other Players
- c_listallplayers(): Displays a list of all players and their IDs.
- AllPlayers: Select a certain player.
- for k,v in pairs(AllPlayers) do [Command] end: Use one command on all players (e.g., teleport all players to your mouse position).
- c_move(AllPlayers): Move the player to your mouse cursor position.
- AllPlayers:PushEvent(‘death’): Kills another player.
- AllPlayers:PushEvent(‘respawnfromghost’): Revives another player.
- c_goto(AllPlayers): Teleports you to another player.
- c_despawn(AllPlayers): Creates a character for another player.
Don’t Starve Cheat Codes for Other Players
4. Some Other Don’t Starve Cheat Codes
- TheInput:GetWorldEntityUnderMouse():Remove(): Deletes the item under the mouse pointer.
- TheWorld:PushEvent(“ms_nextcycle”): Skip 1 day.
- for x = 1, 50 do GetClock():MakeNextDay() end: Skip multiple days.
- GetSeasonManager():StartSummer(): Start summer.
- GetSeasonManager():StartWinter(): Start winter.
- C_rollback(X): Go back in time.
- minimap = TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag(“minimap”) and minimap.MiniMap:ShowArea(0,0,0, 10000): Unlocks the whole map.
Some Other Don’t Starve Cheat Codes
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Recently, I introduced the commands in the game Don’t Starve. If you enjoy this content and wish to contribute, please leave a comment below. Wishing everyone a great experience while playing the game!