Summary of the most complete ARK: Survival Evolved cheat codes

ARK: Survival Evolved is a very popular survival game, with attractive gameplay and storyline. The following article will summarize for you the most complete ARK Survival Evolved cheat code to help you easily complete the tasks in the game.

ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

I. Game Information

The story of ARK: Survival Evolved revolves around biologist Helena Walker who is taken to The Island . During her exploration, she discovered many dinosaur species still exist on the island, from here our main character has to both survive and find a way to escape from The Island.

II. How to enter cheat codes

Because the game has both offline and online game modes, there will be 2 ways to enter

Offline mode:

  • Press “ Tab ” to appear the cheat code input dialog.
  • Press “ Tab ” again to close the dialog and apply the code.

Online mode:

  • Need to know the password of the admin server .
  • Press “ Tab ” enter the command line “ EnableCheats
  • Enter the cheat code then press “ Tab ” to apply

Note: There are some cheat codes that need to be typed: [“admincheat” + cheat code] for the code to work.

How to enter the ARK . cheat code

How to enter the ARK . cheat code

III. Summary of cheat codes ARK

1. Character ARK Cheat Code

  • God: Toggle immortality mode, making you immune to all types of damage (but you can still drown).
  • InfiniteStats: Infinitely increases stats (health, stamina, oxygen, food and water).
  • GMBuff: Immortal mode with unlimited stats, in addition to increasing experience.
  • EnemyInvisible: All creatures will ignore you, even if attacked.
  • LeaveMeAlone: Combine all 3 modes of immortality, unlimited stats and all creatures ignore you.
  • ChangeSize<Value>: Change your size by the multiplier, default value is 1.
  • Fly: Allows you to fly. Use the “Walk” command to return to normal.
  • Ghost: Enable noclip mode (fly + through wall). Use the “Walk” command to return to normal.
  • GiveEngrams: Unlock all crafting recipes.
  • GiveEngramsTekOnly: Gives you every Tek recipe.
  • GiveColors: Gives you just the right amount of every dye.
  • DoTame: Taming the specified dinosaur (if it is tameable ).
  • ForceTame: Taming the specified dinosaur, and you can ride it without a saddle.
  • ForceTameAOE <Radius>: Taming all dinosaurs within the specified radius (default is 2000).
Ark cheat codes for characters

Ark cheat codes for characters

2. ARK cheat codes for Dinosaur

The full list of IDs of creatures in ARK can be found here!

  • Summon : Summons the specified creature at your location.
  • SummonTamed : Summons the specified and tamed creature, at your location.
  • GMSummon <Level>: Summons the specified and tamed creature, with the selected level.
  • GiveDinoSet <Rank> <Quantity>: Summons a set of creatures, plus a saddle.

Note: tier options can be typed as numbers or words, including

  • 0: Raptor, Dilo, Trike
  • 1: Raptor, Carnotaurus, Thylacoleo
  • 2: Rex, Spino, Paracer, Therizinosaur
  • 3: Rex, Rex offering Tek Saddle, Daeodon, Yutyrannus, Therizinosaur
  • Flyers: Pteranodon, Tapejara with Tek Saddle, Argentavis, Quetzal
  • Mek: 3 Mek, each has enough equipment.
  • SiegeMek: Mek, MSCM, Element, Cannon Shell (Extinction)
  • MissleMek: Mek, MRLM, Element, Rocketpod
  • ShieldMek: Mek, MDSM, Element
  • Argent: Argentavis
  • Extinction: Enforcer, Gasbags, Snow Owl, Gacha, Managarmr, Velonasaur
ARK cheat codes for Dinosaur

ARK cheat codes for Dinosaur

3. ARK cheat codes for armor, weapons and items

Cheat for armor and weapons

GiveArmorSet <Tier> <Quality>: Gives you enough armor of the specified tier and also equips it.

Note: armor rank can be typed as numbers or words, including

  • 0 (or Cloth)
  • 1 (or Chitin)
  • 2 (or Metal or Flak)
  • 3 (or Tek)
  • Can also use Hide, Fur, Desert, Ghillie, Riot, Scuba, Hazard.

Armor quality options include: Primitive, Ramshackle, Apprentice, Journeyman, Mastercraft, Ascendant, Alpha.

GiveWeaponSet <Tier> <Quality>: Gives you all weapons in the specified tier.

Note: Weapon tiers can be typed as numbers or words, including

  • 0 (or Primitive): Bow, Pike, Spear, Bola.
  • 1 (or Basic) Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Longneck Rifle, Sword, Grenade.
  • 2 (or Advanced) Compound Bow, Fabricated Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, C4 Charge.
  • 3 (or Tek): Tek Grenade, Tek Rifle, Tek Railgun, Tek Sword.

The weapon quality options are similar to the armor options, as listed above.

GiveItemSet <Tier>: Gives you all the items in the specified tier.

Note: Equipment tier can be typed as numbers or words, including:

  • 0: 90 Cooked Meat, 200 Stimberry, 2 Waterskin.
  • 1: 2 Water Jar, 200 Stimberry, 90 Cooked Meat, 100 Medical Brew.
  • 2: 100 Medical Brew, 100 Energy Brew, 100 Cactus Broth, 60 Cooked Meat Jerky, 2 Canteens.
  • 3: 5 Shadow Steak Saute, 5 Enduro Stew, 5 Focal Chili, 5 Lazarus Chowder, 100 Medical Brew, 100 Energy Brew, 100 Cactus Broth, 90 Cooked Meat Jerky.

Food: 30 Cooked Meat Jerky, 30 Prime Meat Jerky.

Water: Canteen Refill.

Brews: 100 Medical Brew, 100 Energy Brew.

Cheat Item ARK

Refer to the list of IDs of items in ARK here!

  • GiveItem <Drawing Path> <Quantity> <Quality> <Required Drawing>
  • GiveItemNum <Quantity> <Quality> <Drawing Required>
  • GiveItemToPlayer <Drawing Path> <Quantity> <Quality> <Required Drawing>
  • GiveItemNumToPlayer <Quantity> <Quality> <Required Drawing>
  • Setting <Required Drawing> totrue ” or “ 1 ” will give you a drawing of the item, and setting it to “ false ” or “ 0 ” will give you the finished item as well.
  • GiveResources: Add 50 units of each resource type to your inventory.
ARK cheat codes for armor, weapons and items

ARK cheat codes for armor, weapons and items

4. Action Changer ARK Cheat Code

  • TPCoords <Latitude> <Elevation>: Instantly takes you to the specified location.
  • Teleport: Moves you forward until you hit something
  • TeleportPlayerIDToMe : Teleports a specified player to you using the character ID.
  • TeleportPlayerNameToMe <Player Name>: Teleports a specified player to you by character name.
  • TeleportToPlayer : Teleports you to a specified player.
ARK cheat codes change actions

ARK cheat codes change actions

5. Some other ARK cheat codes

Depending on the game screen, there will be different cheat codes

The Island:

  • starttime / stoptime: Run / stop time
  • heatwave / coldfront : Increase/decrease temperature
  • makeitrain: Make rain
  • fogitup: Create fog

Scorched Earth:

  • start_superheat / stop_superheat: Start/stop superheat
  • start_sandstorm / stop_sandstorm: Start/stop the sandstorm
  • start_electricalstorm / stop_electricalstorm: Start / stop thunderstorms
  • start_rain / stop_rain: Start/stop the rain


  • start_rain / stop_rain: Start/stop the rain
  • start_electricalstorm / stop_electricalstorm: Start / stop thunderstorms
  • start_sandstorm / stop_sandstorm: Start/stop the sandstorm
  • start_superheat / stop_superheat: Start/stop superheat
  • start_volcano: Start the volcano


  • startquake / stopquake: Start/stop earthquake


  • start meteors: Start meteors

Creative mode:

  • GiveCreativeMode: Puts you in Creative mode
  • GiveCreativeModeToTarget: Toggle creative mode for the player you’re specifying
  • GiveCreativeModeToPlayer : Toggle creative mode for a player by their ID
Some other ARK cheat codes

Some other ARK cheat codes

Above is the most complete article that summarizes the ARK: Survival Evolved cheat code and how to enter the cheat code while playing the game. Hope you will successfully enter the code and have an extremely relaxing experience while playing the game!

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